Science Reference

Intuitive, easy explanations

Access your favorite scientific subjects whenever you want, free of charge. Our explanations are meant to be simple and intuitive, yet descriptive, across a wide range of topics spanning from biology to astronomy.

Easy, quick links

On every topic is a quick link to free resources such as OpenStax which serve to let you go more in-depth with the content outside our explanations.

Welcome to Science Reference!

Science Reference is a free, easy-to-access web platform aimed at teaching scientific concepts in an intuitive, easily understandable manner.

While we enjoy sites like Wikipedia and open online textbooks, the conceptual explanations and ideas get often very complicated on those sites, as they should be. Those sites act as encyclopedias and textbooks, while this site is meant to act as a more intuitive scientific reference. Our goal is to make looking up scientific concepts easy and digestible, but also deep and advanced. This is why most of our pages are very long in detail and read more like stories almost, rather than pure web pages.

In addition to the aforementioned paragraph, we employ a tree system, which allows searching up concepts even easier. If you place your mouse above any individual subjects, sections, or topics above, you can see more sub-pages relating to the concept of interest.