

Right Ascension: 16.8875h

Declination: −30.7367°

Best Visibility: July(latitudes between +40 degrees and -90 degrees at 9 PM)

Symbolism: the Scorpion

In Greek mythology, the constellation of Scorpio is heavily associated with Orion. In a few stories, Orion was claimed to boast to Leto and Artemis that he'd kill every animal in the world. Upon hearing this, the latter two decide to send a scorpion after Orion to stop him. Zeus hears about this and places the scorpion, now believed to be Scorpio, and Orion in the sky to remind humans to not boast with such pride.

Scorpio is home to many notable deep-sky objects. Many of them are open clusters and globular clusters. The Cat's Paw Nebula is also within Scorpio and it is known to create many stars.


Scorpio (constellation). Provided by: Wikipedia. Located at: License: CC BY-SA: Attribution-ShareAlike

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