Right Ascension: 20h 06m 46.4871s to 21h 59m 04.8693s
Declination: −8.4043999° to −27.6914144°
Best Visibility: September(latitudes between +60 degrees and -90 degrees at 9 PM)
Symbolism: the Sea-Goat
The Babylonians associated Capricornus with a "goat-fish" creature associated with the god Ea. In Greek myth, the constellation represents the goat that fed Zeus when Zeus was a child but it is also viewed as Pan, the god of the wild.
Capricornus doesn't have too much to offer because it is one of the faintest constellations in the night sky. Several galaxies and star clusters can be located within Capricornus. Messier 30 is a globular cluster that can be viewed by amateur telescopes. A galaxy group known as HCG 87 is within Capricornus. This group contains at least 3 galaxies. One of them is a spiral galaxy believed to be interacting with one of the other galaxies to merge into one elliptical galaxy.
Capricornus. Provided by: Wikipedia. Located at: License: CC BY-SA: Attribution-ShareAlike
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