Mass: 1.898×1027 kg
Radius: 69,911 km
Semi-major Axis: 778570000000 m(5.204 AU)
Orbital Period: 4,332.59 days(11.86 years)
Rotational Period: 9 hr 55 min 33 sec
Surface Gravity: 24.79 m/(s2)
Etymology: Jupiter(Roman King of the Gods) <-- Due to large size
Jupiter is the fifth planet orbiting the Sun. It has a mass of more than double the other planets' masses in the Solar System combined. Jupiter doesn't have a rigidly solid surface because its interior contraction generates more heat than the planet receives from the Sun, effectively melting away most of the solid that would be there.
Jupiter is mainly covered in clouds of ammonia crystals, and possibly ammonia hydrosulfide, or (NH4)HS. These clouds have varying circulation patterns which cause extremely turbulent winds, with speeds of up around 100 m/s.
Of course, one of the most notable features of Jupiter is the Great Red Spot. On the image of Jupiter above, the Great Red Spot is the orangeish, circular region in the bottom right of the image. The Great Red Spot is essentially a high-pressure region of storms about 22 degrees south of Jupiter's equator. There are as many as two other Red Spots adjacent to this one but this specific spot is the most notable. It is yet to be fully understood what caused the Great Red Spot as research is currently being done on its formation, but it was concretely observed as early as 1878. However, it could've been observed even earlier between 1665 and 1713.
Jupiter. Provided by: Wikipedia. Located at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jupiter. License: CC BY-SA: Attribution-ShareAlike