

Right Ascension: 01h 46m 37.3761s to 03h 29m 42.4003s

Declination: 19°31.2213154° to 10.3632069°

Best Visibility: December(latitudes between +90 degrees and -60 degrees at 9 PM)

Symbolism: Ram

Aries is historically known to have represented a ram since Babylonian times. The Ancient Egyptians associated it with their deity Amon-Ra and some Medieval Muslim astronomers believed the constellation could represent something other than a ram. However, throughout the world, most associated Aries with a ram.

Aries is known to have many deep-sky objects, like meteors and bright stars. In fact, some of its brightest stars are named after the constellation: Alpha Arietis, Beta Arietis, Gamma Arietis, and 41 Arietis.

A star known as HD 20367 in Aries was found to contain an exoplanet with a mass slightly higher than Jupiter's. Two Earth-mass exoplanets were later found to also be orbiting this star.


Aries (constellation). Provided by: Wikipedia. Located at: License: CC BY-SA: Attribution-ShareAlike

File:AriesCC. Provided by: Wikimedia commons. Located at: License: CC BY-SA 3.0